
 (references to Fogwill Vogwill Vogwell surname)





Parish History and Records  (Link to DartmoorPress Website)


Manor Court Jurors 1767-1840


1809 James Creber,  James Creber,  John Creber,  John Huggins Creber,  Richard Creber,  George Cunnabeer,  John Dameral,  George Fogwill,  Abraham Giles,  John Northmore,  Anthony Pearse,  John Peeke,  Peter Reed




Vestry Minutes


Apr 2 1842 Thomas Vogwill and Mr John Chapple were duly checked to serve the office of
                            Church wardens for the year ensuing.
June 1 1842 ...the Iron Chest...be lodged in the Church house parlour and the Keys of the same
                            be kept by the two Overseers of the Poor and the Parish Churchwarden
July 21 1842 ...a new Bridge be erected at the Walkhampton Village and that a further meeting
                            be held...
Sept 13 1842 ...the new Iron Chest be placed in the Parish Church...
Jan 4 1843 ...a Pigs House should be built for the use of the Church house.
May 3 1843 ...two good and substantial Bridges shall be built over the water at Pitts Gate near
                            Eggworthy and over the water at Withel Bridge...resolved to lett the Tenement
                            adjoining the Church house to Mary Head widow, at the rate of ten shillings
                            per annum for one year from Lady [day] last.
May 4 1843 ...George Worth and James Williams's Tenders be accepted for building Withell
                            Bridge and Peets Bridge according to plan and Specifications for the sum
                            of £16   etc (link)


The Election of Officers


1832 We Present William Snell & Thomas Vogwill to continue as Constables
                            (they appeared & consented & their maces & Hand Bolts
                            were returned to them)


Rates List




(assessed at
2d in the £)

William Oxenham

Andrews & Dawes

1s 6d

John Damerall


5s 2d

William J Stentafod

Bicklake Meadow


Anthony Pearse


1s 4d

Philip Pearse


1s 8d

Burgham West


Thomas Vogwell



Etc Link